Sunday 3 February 2008

Are they still alive?

Do I still care? Not really.
I watched the first episode of series four of Lost today and I'm finding it hard to be enthusiastic about it anymore. Many of the actors feel wooden as they almost rush to cram in as many of their character's mannerisms and traits in what little screen time they have, and the blinding stupidity of some of them after everything they have seen and experienced is simply exasperating.
My main problem with Lost is the format of the show, there's only so long I can hold my interest in a conspiracy series. Considering that I'm not one of the sort of people that goes onto the forums and dissects each episode frame by frame exploring every conceivable (and often completely retarded) possibility, devouring all the spoilers and theories, I'm beginning to find the drip feed of a plot tiresome.
Each episode consists of long boring scenes in an attempt to build anticipation before dropping a line or glance of a person at the end foretelling the forthcoming story, and after each one I can almost hear the Lost fanatics clambering over eachother with their trousers around their ankles to get to their keyboards and praise it as the mastery of storytelling that the plot hole ridden bandwagon is not.
Still, the sparse moments where it does actually have plot developments is good, but I mostly watch it out of pure curiosity of wanting see what happens next, just like all those absolutely shite anime series that I couldn't bring myself to delete.

I also experienced a couple of gaming failures with the Turning Point: Fall of Liberty and Devil May Cry 4 demos.
The former was painfully cheap in every respect, if you told me it was made for the Playstation 2 six years ago I would've believed you. The atrocious visuals simply shocked me and I can't remember playing many games to have such dire physics and handling in this century.
I started the latter expecting a very different game, after not having played it through so many years of hype and acclaim I thought it was about time I gave it a try. The drudgery of hack 'n' slash games make me cry a little inside and this was no different. You would also expect some of the little things like not having an infuriating and utterly unnecessary three second long cut scene for every single time an impassable barrier appears and disappears to have been achieved long before the fourth installment of the series.

Excluding my driving lesson it was a day of failures, but I persevere with Eternal Sonata bringing a little warmth and enjoyment to my free time. Now it's back to mundane Monday, let the drudgery commence.

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