Sunday 20 January 2008

Eri and Fio

Friday started with a bit of an adventure, I texted Tosh (guy I work with) to see if we were working as the skies looked rather foreboding, he texted back that we were so I was up and out the door in a few minutes. As I left it started to rain quite heavily, so I set my phone to vibrate as I probably wouldn't be able to hear it with my headphones on and I knew that he'd text again if the plans changed. I walked all the way to the other side of town through the driving rain to their place, and when I was about two minutes from their front door I went to check my phone for the time, as I always do. That's when I found the two text messages, one from my brother and one from Tosh, telling me that we weren't working.
Even though I had to simply turn around on the spot and walk all the way home through the rain I was in extremely high spirits and couldn't help but grin to myself occasionally, I was going to see Nicola later and had got up early leaving an entire day free to do what I want, I just had a feeling it was going to be a brilliant day. In hindsight it doesn't really look good that I'm that exhilarated by getting a day off work, but I had lulz tiems playing Gears with Bertie before we joined Andrew and Sam on CoD, I then spent a relaxing evening with Nicola making it an all round great day.

Yesterday was slammin' at Andrew's place. Me, Lofty and Sam all took around our 360s and various monitors for some Call of Duty action, which was a laugh with a trip into town for pizza and a visit to the wife at work at midday.
I showed Andrew the demo for Metal Slug 3 while I was at his place, he was impressed enough to buy it straight off and when I got home I bought 500 points and did the same. I then sat up for quite a while playing through the entire game, I've never been any good at Run And Gun games, but I absolutely love the style and can't wait to play it co-op. I've also been looking for a game I can jump into and mindlessly blast away on when I'm bored, so a definite victory all round.

I finished reading Syrup last night and can happily say it was an absolutely excellent book, I don't think I quite enjoyed it as much as Jennifer Government, but it was fantastic Max Barry all the way through none the less. I'll be ordering his third novel Company soon enough, but not before I've read Lolita and The Wasp Factory, the first of which I will be ordering immedately.

Random fact: Of the sixty blog posts of '07, their accumulative total comes to twenty nine thousand eight hundred and forty one words.

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