Monday, 24 December 2007

The subtle knife

Only in Death has finally arrived, twice. I think that's a Merry Christmas from The Book to send me two copies of a hardback book and only charge me for one.
I haven't really been able to get stuck into it yet as I've been quite busy, but that can only be a good thing as I would just rush through it otherwise, and to finish what is going to be a fantastic book so soon would be a crime.

Christmas shopping on Friday was relatively successful, I got a couple of presents which I think are very good finds, but I really struggled on others, and one I think the person I bought it for might already have. I eventually got the last present much later in the day, and if anyone does already have what I got them they can always take it back and get something they definitely want. So once that was done and dusted I could absolutely relax and look forward to Christmas.

Saturday night was spent at a party at Bertie's, which was especially good as everyone was there, all back from uni and off work, with all the gaps filled in with Cassie's lower 6th former friends. Although I had to spend a bit of it looking after a certain someone that really shouldn't drink as much as she does, not that I have any problem with that, just that it makes me worry about her and the thought of the times when I'm not there, as she definitely drinks much more than she should, and worrying seems to be more forte in recent times.

I went to see the much discussed Golden Compass earlier today with the family and wife, but cannot claim to have been greatly impressed. Throughout the film you get the very distinct impression that you're being violently rushed through it, even without having read the original book I found the butchered remains of what was once its depth all to easy to see. I imagine this will be amended slightly by the subsequent two films, but this will always remain a tale that I believe should have been left in the literary medium. Not to say that I didn't enjoy it, but I certainly won't be watching it again.

I also missed both of my driving lessons again this weekend, but will be having one on the eve of Christmas, yay.

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